
My Music Studio - Lesson 5

Date: 17 June 2012 (Sunday)
Subject: My Music Studio - Lesson 5
Baby Tricia is 1 year 3 weeks and 6 days old

Its kindermusic time for Tricia!
Today, she played with bells, drums and the parachute!

Teacher Lavinia commented that she is such a smiley baby as she keeps smiling all the time every week!

With the Pink ball that matches her outfit!
Now with the Orange Ball!
Handed the baby bells!
Got distracted bythe drums on the floor!
Not paying attention!
She stood up and wanted to walk around!
Fell back down as she was still not very steady!
Her day dreaming expression!
Parachute time!
 Distracted again!
 Interacting with the other babies!
Looking at the other babies (After this, she fell and hit her friend on her head)
Lunch time at the food court
Too tired because she missed her morning nap!


My Princess

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