
Sleeping through the night

Date: 22 September 2011(Thursday)
Subject: Sleeping through the night
Tricia is 17 weeks and 5 days old

Starting from last night, Tricia slept through and dropped her 2-3am feed.

This came as a pleasant surprise as I was trying to see how I can train her to drop the middle of the night feed so I can sleep better when I start work in 2 weeks time.

As usual by about 7pm she was already ready for bed. After changing her diapers and getting her into her PJs, she went to sleep promptly after her last latch with no fussing by 7.30pm.

She slept all the way through without waking and I had to wake her up to latch her at about 5am as i was feeling extreme engorgement. This happened again last night and time i woke her up at 5.45am to drink.

The weather has been really nice and cool these few nights and i wonder if it helped in her sleeping longer. Or maybe she really is ready to drop the middle of the night feed!

I am keeping my fingers cross that this continues on as this would mean better sleep for me when I start work in 2 weeks time!


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