
My Pink Dr Brown Training Cup

Subject: New Traing Cup
Description: Dr Brown Training Cup
Date: 23 March 08 - Sunday

With plans to wean Racia off the breast, Mummy bought Racia a new training cup after recommendations from fellow March Mummy - Joelle. Actually this is not Racia's first training cup. Prior to this, Mummy has already bought Racia a Pigeon stage 4 drinking mug, combi stage 4 drinking mug as well as a pigeon sprout cup. Racia was not keen at all to drink milk from these cups.

Mummy thinks that Racia might not be rejecting the cups but instead, she is rejecting the formula milk that mummy has been trying to feed her via these cups.

Racia will start this cup with water and juice tomorrow. And hopefully, mummy can slowly proceed to introducing FM to Racia using this cup.

Racia's New Dr Brown's Natural Flow Training Cup in Pink

"What's this ?"

"Let me try it!"


Satisfied Baby: "Delicious!"
*Update on 26th March 2008
Unfortunately, Racia totally rejected this cup two days later!!


Rebecca :-) said...

I was interested to read your blog. As a parent you may be interested in being part of a university study I'm involved with. It’s about how infants and children develop. It wouldn’t take much of your time, and it’s a great way to contribute to knowledge by reporting on your own experiences. For more details go to the following address after copying it into your browser window, www.babysleepstudy.org or go to www.milestonesresearch.org and click on "Baby Sleep." Best wishes, Rebecca

QQ said...

so is the cup useful or not?
I also want to wean tian off from her bottle if possible. She is drinking water from strawcup, but always just a few sips then stop liao. how how?
worth to buy?

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