Subject: Racia's Swimming Lesson
Date: 01 August 2009 (Saturday)
Racia is now 2 years, 4 months and 4 weeks old today
Racia started her swimming lessons today.
This is a 10 session swimming class for a group of 4 babies specially arranged by fellow mummy Evelyn at her place. Each session will last 30mins with 4 babies in each class. And what a fun session we had today. Our coach Klaus was so gentle with the kids. Racia even managed to get her head wet today. She did not protest or whine when Klaus poured water over her head with a watering can. I hope she will improve and do better in the next session. And to eventually ducking her head under water. I asked Racia if she enjoyed the session. She said "Yes"! and she wants to come back again next week! :)
Next lesson, i will put her in a thermal suit. She was freezing and trembling so badly towards the end of class.
Presenting the little swimmers
Teng Teng
Tian Tian

And Racia..busy playing with the toys!

Our Coach - Klaus, he is German

Distracted by the toys at the pool.

And now with Racia who is so busy playing
that she does not want to look at the camera.

Teng attempting the breast stroke

Racia having fun

Trying to float

Teng starting to cry

Racia's turn with Coach Klaus

Learning about buoyancy

With Mommy

Another group activity - pouring water on Mommy and Daddy

Racia pouring lots of water on Mommy

The group - minus Seth

Cried because water got into her face

More water coming down.

Racia's turn to pour water on mommy.
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