
We Love Hong Kong!

Date: 18 - 23 November 2010 (Thursday - Wednesday)

Hi Everyone,

We just came back from a 6 days trip to Hong Kong!!
Here's a sneak peak of our trip, special highlight was the time spend at Disneyland!!

Presenting my very own Minnie Mouse..

Xun - The Minnie Mouse

With Mickey and Minnie

Racia says : "Hi Mommy!"

The Dollie among the Dolls!

Mummy and Xun on the Dumbo!

Love this pic of her, such a sweet smile!

With her Donald Drawing

She calls him a "Goat' - Pluto!

Xun and Mummy!
Stay tune for more post and pictures....

Counting Down - 3 more days to HK!

Counting down to our holiday... 3 more days to our family holiday in Hong Kong!

We can't wait

Diaper Free at Night?

Date: 14 October 2010 (Sunday)
Subject: I want to be diaper free at night!
Racia is 3 years, 8 months, 1 week and 4 days old today.

Racia told daddy that she wants to be diaper free tonight!.

It came as a surprised to me as I have been encouraging her to go without diapers during bedtime but she refused. She has been telling me that she loves to sleep with diapers at night.

Finally, tonight, she wants to try without diaper. She old me she is a big "Jie Jie" and that big Jie Jie don't wear diapers to sleep.
I got hubby to wake her up and bring her to the toilet at 3am. She promptly fell back asleep after the trip to the toilet. It seems like she has no difficulty going back to sleep after the night visit to the toilet.

The other mummies suggested for me to not wake her up at all and let her sleep through without going to the toilet. Apparently, when they are fully trained, their bladder can hold through the night. Let me try again tonight.

I hope this continues with good result and that she is finally ready to go diaperless at night!.

Meet the Parents + Adventure at the Zoo!

Date: 12 November 2010 (Friday)
Subject: Meet the Parents + Adventure at the Zoo
Racia is 3 Years, 8 Months, 1 Week and 2 Days old today.

We went to the Zoo today, right after our Meet-the-Parents session in the morning.

Racia's teacher commented that she has a very strong vocabulary for a three year old. However, she is still very shy and introvert in class and seldom ask questions. Her concentration level is also very good and she can sit through long classes.
Racia will be moving on to Omega class next year with all her friends. The downside is that her teachers from the pre-nursery class will not be following her up.

We headed to the zoo after our session in school. stay tune for photos taken at the zoo!

My EDD - Tricia - 26 May 2011

Our IPad!

Date: 11September 2010 (Saturday)

We finally got our iPad today. And what an adventure it was,

our iPad journey started a month ago when we finally received the $1000 vouchers, this was followed by numerous trip to epicenter where the staff kept telling us: sorry no stock at the moment. New stock would probably arrive in about 2 to 3 weeks.

Finally we made one more trip down to epicenter at ION and I was surprised when the staff say : yes we have stock, can I get one set for you?

This was followed by frenzy buying mode to get accessories, covers protective shield etc. Total damage: 30 plus cover protective shield $50 plus iPad $1265

Our iPhone!

Subject: Our iPhone!
Date: 15 August 2010 (Sunday)
Racia is 3 years, 5 months, 1 week and 6 days old today!

I finally jumped on the Apple bandwagon and got myself an iPhone. The iPhone 4 to be exact!

I paid a bomb for it though - $776 to be exact as I wanted to retain my classic plan. (to be reimbursed by the co. so i guess it is not too bad)

I love the phone to bits! It has such an intuitive interface!

When hubby told Racia that the phone belongs to mummy, her immediate response was:
"No! Share Share!"

I guess what she meant was that the phone MAY belong to me but she is the one who will be using it!!

I miss my baby!

Missed my dearie and baby so much!
Can't wait to go home tomorrow.

Flower Market at Kovan

Subject: Flower Market at Kovan
Date: 22 January 2010(Friday)

Backdated post...
We went to the flower market at Kovan on the way home after dinner today!

Picked up a pot of mosquito plants for the balcony. It cost only $6

Arriving at the flower market

Racia loves looking at the flowers

Posing with the flowers.

Dance Class and Lunch at Cathay Restaurant

Subject: Dance Class and Lunch at Cathay Restaurant
Date: 24 January 2010 (Sunday)

Back dated post...
We went to the Cathay Restaurant for a dim sum lunch after Racia's dance class today.
The food was surprisingly quite tasty. I am sure we will be back again soon.

Dance class - Bunny hop with Ms N!

Stretching and opening up like a star!

The kids favourite - bunny hop on mats!

Lunch - We had a table by the window!

The Menu

Racia and the Har Gaos!

Racia "thinking" if she wants some har gao!

The dishes we ordered.

Egg Tarts - yummy!

Siew Mai.

Mummy's favourite - Har Gao!

Char Siew Pao

The food!

Happy Racia!

Almost forgot the carrot cake

Racia again!

Racia in Sunglasses

Subject: Racia in Sunglasses
Date: 16 January 2010

We went to dinner at Kovan - Hong Kong Cafe and Racia insisted on wearing her sunglasses. She was still wearing it when we were in the restaurant eating!

She is so cute right! See the spam photos below.

In her baby sunglassses

So cute!

Looking puzzled at why I kept snapping away at her!

Finally she smiled for me.

Sill in her sunglasses at dinner!
BTW, this is thick toast with syrup!

Her special order with all sauces and egg seperated

Eying the toast!
She refused dinner and just wanted toast!

Ikea - Rae, Bel and Sam

Subject: Ikea Rae, Bel and Sam
Date: 09 January 2010
Another past dated post...

Ikea for dinner and where Racia met Isabel and Samantha..

Our delicious dinner.

Racia! - so sweet with the hair band!

She loves this pillow!
Showing me how much she likes it!

Racia says: "So Comfy"!

Rae, Bel and Sam - Sam is so cute!

Another pic of the 3 of them - Bel knows how to take care of sam!

Much better - See Bel, like a big sister to the 2 girls.h

Dinner at Marina Square

Subject: Dinner at Marina Square
Date: 5 June 2010 (Saturday)
Racia is 3 years, 3 months and 2 day old today!

We went to Marina Square for some shopping and dinner after Racia's nap today.
With the extreme hot weather, we are glad we chose to hide out in an air conditioned shopping mall instead of someplace outdoor.

Dinner was at Waraku Japanese Restaurant and as usually, the food was good. Racia loves her kids meal as they served it in a Hello Kitty bowl and tray.

See our matching outfit!

Our cozy corner! and Racia making herself at home!

Posing for the camera!

Another pose! and our super big bowls of Ramen!

She wants to lie on her tummy now!

Our special spicy Ramen!

Doraemon at the mall!

Pic with Doraemon on stage!

He was huge!

Next, Kiddy ride at the children area!

Steering all by herself.

She loves this Giraffe!

My Princess

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Breast Feeding ticker

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers